速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Voodoo Spells and Rituals

Voodoo Spells and Rituals





版本需求:Android 2.3.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:PO Box 3333 Helensvale Town Centre, Gold Coast. Qld 4212, Australia.

Voodoo Spells and Rituals(圖1)-速報App

This app has been created from my popular book titled : Voodoo Magic Book of Practical Spells & Rituals. You will learn through easy to follow instructions how to enrich your life while being in control. It could be a new job, a new lover, more money or you may just want to get back at your ex-wife or husband. This app will take you from setting up an altar to casting very powerful spells. I also share with you secrets from my personal journal called “My Book of Shadows.

About the Author:

Since I can remember my life has been touched in many ways by the supernatural and I feel a deep connection to the Magic of Natures Positive and Powerful Energies.

My Great Grand Mother & Grand Mother both read Tea Leaves and my Aunt reads Tarot cards to this day, they have all had a major impact on my life.

In my late teens I became eager to learn more and I read everything available on the Occult including Voodoo, Tarot and practicing Witchcraft. I soon began experimenting with basic spells & rituals.

I began seriously practicing Magic in my early twenties. I experimented with others interested in Witchcraft in the early days but found that by personal choice I prefer to practice alone and within my own boundaries. Ultimately I had control over energies raised and distractions were minimal. I still prefer this practice today.

Ingredients for spells in the past were hard to come by and improvising was an art on its own, now of course there are Occult Supply shops everywhere.. I still practice with everyday items to this day and they work!.

From personal experience I have found that whilst obeying the basic rules of spell casting some of it can be left up to your own interpretation.

Since 1988 I have been making Voodoo Dolls for Goodluck, Money, Love and Revenge.

I have made hundreds of dolls for clients and have received many letters of thanks in return. It has been rare that I have encountered negative people or reactions.

Voodoo Spells and Rituals(圖2)-速報App

I have a saying “Power Shared is Power Lost” I have never spoken about my clients to anyone and I have encouraged them to refrain from telling anyone about the work I have done for them.

I have always tried to see the good in people and not judged their lifestyles or questioned their personal beliefs.

I also believe that as long as you always strive to use your magic to help and benefit others, you will be helping yourself at the same time.

Authors Note:

It has been my intention to inform and inspire you while introducing you to the most intriguing and rewarding world of Magic. I wish you well in your journey of discovery and personal growth in every way and I hope that your life will be full of joy and peace.

Wishing you Blessings of Love and Light.



We make no claims or take any responsibility as a result of your actions.

Voodoo Magic Book of Practical Spells & Rituals. Copyright© 2015 by V Wood.

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All Rights reserved. Written in Australia. No Part of this App may used or reproduced

in any manner what so ever without written permission from the writer.